The Micro-Grant program was created by the PTSO to give back to our amazing teachers and staff here at Stafford High. Our goal is to help support and enhance the teaching experience for all teachers, and the learning experiences for all students by providing small grants to the staff each month. Grants are not only for classroom needs but also for the needs of clubs, sports, music and art programs and any other school sponsored activities and departments, it is open to all.
Each month during the school year, teacher can submit applications to our program. At our PTSO meetings we will discuss the applications that were received and members will vote to approve applications based on criteria such as; need, cost and number of students the grant will reach. Each month, the PTSO will allocate $400.00 for grants (with a limit of $200.00 per grant). The program will begin January of 2020 and continue through May of 2020.
Please note that you must be a current member of the PTSO in order to have your application reviewed. All you need to do to become a current PTSO member for the year is fill out a membership form and pay the $5.00 membership dues. The best part is that your PTSO membership money (from staff and families) rolls right back in to help pay for these grants.
To apply for a grant, please fill out a Micro-Grant application by the second Friday of each month for review during the next PTSO meeting.