Welcome Indian Families!
The Stafford High School PTSO is a nonprofit parent, student and teacher organization. The PTSO’s mission is to support the staff, students and families of SHS.
Our hospitality committee plans morale boosting events for our staff. Our microgrants provide additional items for the classroom. The After Prom event is an annual tradition that our juniors and seniors look forward each year. This event is to ensure students have a safe environment to support their school.
We need your support to provide these opportunities for our teachers and students. Please consider joining the PTSO, volunteering at events and if you are able make additional financial donations.
Feel free to reach out by email president@shsptso.org if you have any questions.

Join the PTSO
The PTSO needs YOU! Dues are only $10 a year per family. Your support helps us provide events for teachers and students throughout the year. Please follow the links and join your PTSO!