WOW! What a GREAT response from the SHS community! We exceed our goal in just two days! Thank you so much to all who contributed.
During a normal school year, the Cookie Cart is our biggest fundraiser. It funds almost all of the major events the SHS PTSO sponsors each year. This year we won’t be able to access the school and have the fundraiser. For many events we will ask for donations like this one over the coming year. We will also be rolling out online membership and other fundraising efforts in the coming days and weeks. Stay tuned!
Our dedicated staff at Stafford High School are hard at work working to make the most out of the unique 2020-2021 School Year we are all about to experience.
Teachers and other staff are learning new learning platforms, setting up their live and virtual classrooms, and preparing lesson plans for our children.
The administration is planning a breakfast for the staff the week of August 24th. They have asked the PTSO to help support the effort by purchasing biscuits. Unfortunately, the PTSO fundraising is going to be severely inhibited this year due to the virtual learning environment. We are asking for small contributions specific to this effort. We need to raise $250 to help support breakfast for the staff.
Thank you for your contributions!